UKWSL asked us to work closely with themselves and Roadchef in delivering waste recycling POS stations and supporting marketing materials. The installation of new bin systems to improve the waste management process ensure customers recycle as much as possible, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfill.
From initial design concepts, manufacture and installation of large freestanding internal and external POS waste stations by our own in-house team we were able to create impact and clear direction for waste recycling. External car park lamp post banners, bin stickers and other supporting materials reinforced the recycling message to customers as they arrived and continued their visit through the centre.
After a successful trial period at the Roadchef flag ship service area Norton Canes we are delighted to announce further expansion of the waste recycling stations to several other Roadchef service areas within the UK.
We look forward to working with UKWSL and Roadchef in the coming months to bring the recycling waste stations to other parts of the country.