Fixed Cost Marketing
Get limitless design and marketing support, every month
Many companies are out-sourcing their brand strategy and marketing function, often because of the complexities of marketing in today’s multichannel world. Finding and employing the right people with the right experience conjoined with employment issues and general uncertainty make outsourcing a very attractive option.
It’s really simple, we become your marketing department responsible for managing and delivering all or some of your planned marketing activities as well as measuring the results, all at an agreed monthly fixed cost
Would having unlimited design and artwork be of interest? We have packages for every business no matter how large or small or at what stage of development you are and of course to fit your budget.

What Is Included?
We offer marketing plans to align with the objectives of the business (plan). Implementation plans with critical paths to ensure completion of projects and meet deadlines which includes all tactical tools:
- Unlimited design & artwork
- Social media management
- Copywriting & proofing
- Email marketing
- Strategic campaigns
- Website management
Example Package
- Unlimited production of artwork Design of promotional materials
- Social media support
- Social media graphics
- Website management
- Strategic marketing planning & creation
- Copywriting for campaigns
- Email marketing
- Use of stock photography
- Design of ad hoc requirements such as stationery & other support materials
- Monthly marketing meetings
- Monthly activity report
- Priority retainer status
Four easy steps to fixed cost marketing:
What do our clients say?
Our retainer can save you over £30,000 a year. A full time in-house senior designer would be in excess of £40k and annual freelance costs over £50k. Another benefit is that you get a full team of designers, digital and strategic experts at your disposal always ensuring we can handle multiple projects at once and provide holiday and sick cover.
All of our retainer packages are created specifically for your needs. UNLIMITED design and artwork comes as standard but you may also need social media management and support, email marketing, strategic marketing and implementation plan, photo library images, copywriting, content generation and website content population to name a few.
There is no limit to the amount design and artwork we create for you each month and this will vary with your needs. We don’t keep time sheets or clock watch, there is no limit to the time we spend on your account and we will be reactive to your requirements no matter how unrealistic the deadlines. You can finally produce all the material you have been wanting to do for years but couldn’t afford as individual projects.
We hold monthly internal ‘think tanks’ to ensure the whole of the Allen Design Team team contributes creative ideas on how we can push your business forward through creative campaigns and other media channels.
Third party purchasing such as PR, Professional photography, purchase of advertising space, print and website programming. These can be provided and quoted, if and when required.
You will be appointed a dedicated account handler who will also be your lead designer ensuring brand and messaging consistency and providing a direct channel of communication. There will be a team of designers and digital experts backing them up who will get to know your business and your marketing requirements inside and out.
A yearly marketing plan will allow us to work proactively with weekly Zoom/Teams production meetings keeping everything on track. Monthly marketing meetings (usually in person) will ensure we are keeping abreast of all new innovations, information, trends and news within your business.
The initial retainer contract is for 12 months. However most of our clients have been with us for many years. The retainer will include a one months break clause after this period.
It is important that we benchmark and report back how the website/marketing work is performing. A comprehensive statistic and analysis report will be provided at the end of every month to show website traffic, social media growth and email marketing open rates to name a few.
Once the retainer is agreed the payment will be collected in advance of each month.
It is a large and scary step moving from paid ad-hoc marketing to a monthly fixed cost and we get it. We have a number of retained customers that would be more than willing to speak with you and reassure you the best they can. It is important that you not only speak with our long-standing customers but new retained customers that have been with us for only a few months so they can tell you about their experience and the differences we have made to their business in a short space of time.
We strive to offer excellent service, creativity and most of all, value for money. Our ambition is to provide marketing support to you for years not just 12 months so it is within our interest to ensure we do everything in our power to help grow your business.
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